The Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change (CSCCC) is a licensed Coalition (registered under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984) dedicated to highlighting the subject of climate change in Pakistan and influencing policymaking at the regional, national and sub-national levels through research, knowledge-sharing, and advocacy. The idea for establishing a networking platform was mooted in the lead up to COP21 and the efforts of the French Embassy in bringing stakeholders together to work towards an “Agenda of Solutions.” The success of the all stakeholder Pre-COP21 dialogue held in Lahore in October 2015 highlighted the value of collaborative approaches and synergistic actions, motivating civil society to carry the momentum forward and initiate the process of setting up a Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change. 
CSCCC provides a networking platform for civil society organizations, climate experts, academia, researchers, media, private sector and concerned citizens to exchange ideas and build synergies while preserving and strengthening the autonomy and independence of its members. The coalition approach was adopted to enhance civil society capacity for effective engagement with policy makers to support mitigation and adaptation actions that build resilience and reduce vulnerability at all levels by integrating adaptation into relevant socio-economic and environmental policies for sustainable development. The concept of the coalition is in line with the Lima-Paris Action Agenda (LPAA) and Paris Agreement on Climate Change which recognizes civil society as a key player in framing climate policies to strengthen climate governance. The strategic focus of the coalition also covers Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development particularly SDG13 (Climate Action). CSCCC works with “A Whole of Government Approach” and follows the guidelines of “Open Government Partnership (OGP)” to achieve its objectives.

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