
CSCCC Panel at the 5th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference at Cape Town, South Africa, 18-21 June 2018

Jun 22 2018 | 05:07:34
Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change (CSCCC) organized a panel titled "Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction into National Development Planning in South Asia: A collaborative dialogue on experiences, approaches, and best practices in adaptation planning" at the 5th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference which was  being held in Cape Town, South Africa from 18-21 June, 2018. Adaptation Futures Conference is the world’s premier conference on climate change adaptation which saw the participation of over 1000 scientists, practitioners, business leaders and policymakers from around the world to connect, learn and facilitate dialogues for solutions between key actors from diverse perspectives and regions.   Ms. Aisha Khan, Chief Executive CSCCC moderated the discussion which saw high-level development sector representation from across South Asia. Panelists included Mr. Iftekhar Ahmad Chowdry, Senior Research Fellow at Institute of South Asian Studies, University of Singapore, representing Bangladesh, Dr. Anjal Prakash from ICIMOD, Nepal, Ms. Aditi Kapoor from India, and Ms. Samia Liaqat from Pakistan.    The panelists and organizers were of the view that such international and regional dialogues will help spur cross-border development cooperation and collaboration and improve efforts for climate change adaptation while also strengthening the collective fight against the impacts of climate change.